Trump Election Win

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This topic contains 158 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Dr. Lee 6 years ago.

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    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    This is an absolute outrage! Clearly he can’t handle the truth:

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    I don’t watch Fox news

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    The only reason I posted that is because everyone on both sides are doing it and I might add that I am not democrat or republican. Might be hard for you to comprehend that. You are adorable in your political struggle.

    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    After all the bullshit about Clinton’s private email server:

    Hypocrisy thy name is Republican.

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    Just a little-known fact that you may not be aware of. I can choose what to believe and how to believe. If I wish to be democrat then I would most likely follow all democrats and the same for republicans. I can choose not to be apart of any party and choose to call things as “I” see them regardless of party affiliation. If I were a republican, I most likely wouldn’t have defended Obama as I have in the past. I claim independence because I choose for myself and if you don’t have the mental capacity to understand that, your problem. Not mine. And knowing myself much better than you could ever know me, allows me to see your abilities to properly assume or draw conclusions as your assumptions of me are pretty far out there. To help you understand what this means: I could have, if so desired, had voted for Hillary and in due course, seen some things posted about Trump that I didn’t think were true and argued the point. This gives me freedom that you obviously don’t see. I can defend Trump on an area that I feel isn’t right and then see something that I have a problem with about Trump and call that out as well. Not everyone ties themselves into these tiny little boxes. I guess where you come from, people aren’t allowed to live outside of the predefined boxes. You’re not really that great at analyzing. Don’t worry. When you grow up, you’ll get better.

    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    You can believe whatever you want, but there is no alternative reality or ‘alternative facts’—there is only one objective reality, but Trump and his supporters refuse to recognise it. You will be forced to eventually, however.

    Oh, and I probably should also mention that this thread is about Trump’s presidency and the consequences thereof, not about you and your beliefs.

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

    Avatar of wingsfan19wingsfan19
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    You sure seem to be spending a lot of time defending Trump over things that don’t have any defense. I consider myself independent as well, but it turns out that the Democrat candidate is usually closer to my beliefs. I have in the past voted for third party candidates, but only when the election was a foregone conclusion (Reagan vs. Carter, e.g.). In this past election, the outcome was in doubt and the was such a stark contrast between Clinton and Trump that despite any misgivings I had about Clinton, to me Trump was FAR worse. Even my lifelong Republicans can to the same conclusion.

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    The only things I defended is what I actually found information to the contrary. You don’t see my posts in other forums where I called him out on some things that he said before and that he said that he didn’t say. You bring that up here and I will agree. I know that there are some strong emotions about Trump and what gets me is that people don’t use their history, of which with him, there is a lot of. People will take the slightest sliver of something and make it into a big deal. For example, the inauguration, whether there were a ton of people there or not isn’t a big deal. I watched it live and recorded it. From where he was standing, it looked like it was full. I go back and see a camera angle shot from behind him and it does look packed, but from some other angels, it doesn’t look so packed. Not as bad as what the other news is putting out there. I had my TV on from 10 am onward and some of those pictures I recognized as they caught it when people were still coming in. They were showing these Air Force guys getting blocked from an entrance and having to leave and go to another entrance. They cut away to show how far those guys would have to go to the unblocked entrance and voila, there is the shot everyone is using to show that it wasn’t packed. I have it saved on my Tivo. I, myself, don’t really care whether or not it was packed, but I mention it anyway. Yes, I voted for him because I have personal experience with Hillary and find her absolutely disgusting in real life. My buddy was in the EOD when I was in the Military and he had to see her several times and he said she had the mouth of a sailor. He was there in response to bomb checks and he would talk about how rude she was to him and his team and they were there to make sure she didn’t get blown up. He confirmed with me the way she treats people around her. There is no way I would vote for her and voting for someone other than Trump would be a vote for her, so yes, I voted for Trump. The first thing that got me was the thing about him making fun of the disabled. I’m disabled and I remembered seeing him do something very similar in a case that had nothing to do with disability, so I did some research and found my proof. After that, it just sickened me how quickly people would jump on any little thing. I just couldn’t believe that people were so gullible. And then the whole racist thing. I knew about the David Duke thing from back in the 90′s so when people were making that leap, it was like, wow, people, do you not know your history. I mean, it was big news. Even people who didn’t watch the news knew about that… I thought. So I wouldn’t say “defending” him would be the right word. More like not able to believe that people WANT failure so bad they blindly accuse with things that are easily shown not to be true. Now bring up some of his conversations that he’s had in the past… changing your views is one thing and its ok, but to say that you never said it is another. Ok, I’m getting older… in my upper 40′s. Do I forget that I have said some things? Sure. Do I get reminded? Sometimes. Is it hard to swallow? Sometimes and then other times just funny. I try to put myself in other people’s shoes. Does Trump have an ego? I think so. Do I know other people like him? Definitely. Can they be A-holes? Yep. so, pick the right thing and make sure it is fact and i probably won’t say a thing, because you’ve already said it, but pick something I know to be different and I might or might not say something. The thing that gets me here and maybe the reason I seem to be defending him is “Dr” Lee’s attitude comes off like he is here to save the world, but he acts just like the egotist part of Trump and refuses to look deeper into something. So, in length, I’m very independent but can’t seem to let go of things that I find to be wrong. Pick something that Trump is actually guilty of. I won’t try to defend it. Also, just because I really find Zhang Zhi Yi sexy as hell and I really like her doesn’t mean she likes me or believes what I believe. Point in that one, just because a lot of racist people like Trump, doesn’t make him racist. It makes those stupid racist people just stupid. I didn’t like Obama, but some people would swear that I was an Obama fan just because I defended him on a lot of things that I found to not be true. Its funny… I’m an Obama Trump lover. LoL! I used to debunk a lot of things said about Obama. I just can’t believe how easily people let their mind get manipulated. I don’t know how the next 4 years are gonna go. I’m not going to say they’ll be great, but at the same time, I’m not going to say this country is done for. No matter what happens, we will survive. Oh, and while helping my son do his history lesson on Abe Lincoln, I found out some pretty interesting things. Not the same reasons, but back in 1863, they were saying some pretty nasty things about him and, although he was the first republican president, some of the democrats were saying that he was going to ruin the country and that America was doomed. Pretty much what’s happening now. Many people don’t know that Trump isn’t really a republican. He is actually a part of the Reform Party just like Ross Perot. he ran on the republican ticket because no one is really voting outside of the two main parties. Here is what his real party stands for. When some of the republicans got mad at Trump they tried to out him as not being a true republican. Here is a link that you might find interesting if you are willing to look.

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    Here is one for you. The wall that Trump is talking about…. I have no problem with the wall itself. China has a wall. It would keep honest people honest. I don’t see any cons to having a wall, but I think that Trump should pay for it himself. Not Mexico, not the USA… Trump. He could dip into hose deep pockets he has and easily pay for it and probably not even notice the money is gone. He could then sign it with his ego and call it The Great Wall of Trump. I really can’t see him asking Mexico to pay for it. Come on. He wants the wall… don’t ask someone else to pay for it. Yes, that is a very embarrassing thing, him asking Mexico to pay for it and then when Mexico cancels the meeting, he says he canceled it too. There’s the ego I mentioned. No room for it. Yes, he’s got a big ego. Let’s just hope it doesn’t get him into too much trouble. The people elected him, the people can tell him they don’t want it. He may need to do things that people don’t agree with, but at some point, he’s gotta get the message. His ego might not let him, but let’s see where it gets him. No, I’m not changing sides. Still an independent.

    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    Here we go: Trump has implemented his promised ban on Muslim immigration (and ordered a domestic Muslim registry)—except for countries he has business ties with! So he is guilty of both unconstitutional racial profiling and blatant conflicts of interest at the same time! Did I say something about the most corrupt President in US history? The question is, will the Republican dominated congress do anything about it? I don’t think so initially, but I think there’s a good chance they will when the mid-terms are looming and Trump is the most unpopular US President in history. We shall see…

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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