Trump Election Win

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This topic contains 158 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Dr. Lee 6 years ago.

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    Dr. Lee,
    I would like to ask when Trump mocked disabled people. I’m disabled and know this story very well so, please, do your research before making uneducated comments.

    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    Foe one thing, Wingsfan mentioned that, not me. I also suggest you do your research before accusing others of not doing so:

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    Here is a link to a video that many of you have seen already, but many probably haven’t watched it without bias. If you don’t care for the truth, please, go about your life in the dark. Here is the link and here are also some facts. If you have proof otherwise, please let me know. Proof is not a chopped up video that anybody can make to steer people however they want to steer them. Facts consist of truth and if you don’t care about the actual truth then you don’t really need to be part of this discussion. When I lived in Japan, Taiwan, Korea, the Philipines, I had to enter with a visa and I had to get a work visa. Every 3 years, I had to travel outside of the country to renew my visa. I didn’t live long enough in Korea to have to renew nor the Philipines, but in Japan and Taiwan, I had to travel either to Hong Kong or back to the states to renew my visa. If I have to do that, why is it too much to ask people from other countries to 1. get legal work papers and 2. If you need to go out and do the process the right way, what is the problem? I had to. Whats up with the double sided views? As of 2014, I became disabled and so when the media started saying that Trump was making fun of the disabled, I saw the videos, but I had to research to find the truth. I found the truth and he didn’t make fun of the disabled. I was able to find a lot of these facts within 30 minutes of research and no, research isn’t following stupid facebook posts or youtube videos. You do investigative research. Trump isn’t banning anyone from coming into the USA unless they can be proved to be a terrorist or someone who is aiding terrorists. If you are not a terrorist or aiding a terrorist, you are welcome to come into the USA in a legal manner. If you are too lazy to do your research, I will help you. For the disabled facts, take a look at this page, All of the comments about a wall: Mentioning of a wall is to make a point that anyone coming up from the south needs to come in legally. There is no wall to keep people out. 4 years later, you will be able to see that truth and I hope some of you are ready to eat your words. Also, since the racist article won’t be taken down, I do want to point out facts. Trump had NOTHING to do with the Nazi people. The guy was not quoting Trump. Just because an idiot likes you, doesn’t mean that you like the idiot. Trump didn’t say anything like what was said in that offensive video if you understand English, its VERY easy to see that by the pronouns that were used. Trump did not endorse the KKK nor David Duke. Being that if you think he is racist because of what CNN ran, you really would be showing your ignorance. Ignorance isn’t stupidity until you know the facts… then you become stupid once presented with the facts and you ignore them. Trump had issues with David Duke, the leader of the KKK back in the 90′s. David Duke is still pissed at Trump and worked with CNN in order to try to work Trump into a corner. Duke had a lawsuit back in the 90′s, Duke can sue Trump if he talks about him publicly. That would include denouncing him, so rather than have a lawsuit on his hands again, he said that he didn’t know the man on a personal level so he wasn’t going to comment. CNN cuts the interview and runs with, “TRUMP IS NOT DENOUNCING DAVID DUKES ENDORSEMENT” which people stupidly assumed meant that he accepted the racist endorsement. There are a lot of racist people that supported Trump. There are probably just as many people who are racist that supported Hillary. If I were racist and I said that I like you and support you, does that make you racist? No, that sounds stupid, right? Then why do people do it to Trump? So many haters out there saying that Trump is a hateful person? Wow, take a look at yourself, if you are filled with so much hate. If you are not willing to do the research, I will hold your hand and guide you. Dr. Lee gave me a link to Trump’s website saying that Trump was banning Muslims. I followed the links, read the page entirely and there was NO mention of any ban. There was a word “UNTIL” and if you know English, “UNTIL” is a descriptive word pointing out a point that something qualifying is met. Here is the definition if you need help with the word. “Until: up to (the point in time or the event mentioned)”. We are a big country and there are a lot of terrorists who want to come in and try to grow their terrorist’s groups. Please, give me a plan as to how you would keep this country safe. How would you defend yourself if you were President and the country was attacked from within? Don’t just make a stupid comment. Think it through. How would you protect this country? Vet: means to check, investigate and inspect. There were a lot of people with potential terrorist ties that have been let inside the country. If you were a terrorist, wouldn’t you take the offer to join thousands of people being let into America? Use your brains people. Trump wants ONLY these people to be vetted and then allowed to come into the country if they prove to not support the terrorist. Not every Muslim. Only those with terrorist ties. This isn’t unreasonable. If you are here in the states with your family and there is a terrorist attack and your wife or sister or brother or mom or dad gets killed in an attack, you are going to attack Trump and ask why he let someone with obvious terrorist ties to be here? Why did he let this happen? Ok, Hillary didn’t win. Get over yourself. The democrats were in power for 8 years. Do you want this country to become a 1 party system? by the way, if you do your research, you would know that Trump isn’t republican. He is with the Reform Party running on the republican ticket. Educate yourself. If you decide to remain uneducated, your words have no meaning. And NO, Hillary did not win the popular vote. Obama, very underhandedly, put out an interview with only intentions to get the illegal people to vote and let them know that they wouldn’t have to worry about voting and that no one would come looking for them. If you are one of the 3+ million people who are here illegally with intentions on voting for Hillary, are you going to tell me that after hearing this interview you wouldn’t go vote? Do the math and use your common sense. Take out all of the illegal votes and you will see that Hillary didn’t even come close. I couldn’t vote in Taiwan or Japan and I was there working legally, so hell no, those people’s votes should not be counted. Here is the link and tell me you wouldn’t vote if you were illegally here and heard this: Dr. Lee, is it not worse than racism to ridicule a man with so much hatred if he doesn’t deserve it? The news you get is tainted. Come to America and live here before you make statements of which you have not gotten the full and complete story. When I lived in Japan, I was afraid to come back to live in the USA because of the news. When I lived in Taiwan and asked my wife to come back to the states with me, we were both afraid. Since she had never been here, all that she had to go by was the news. After getting here and living, we both laughed at how silly it seemed at how afraid we were based on the news we got. If you don’t live here, you aren’t getting the full story and if you do live here, and you spout a lot of the news propaganda, you should really be ashamed of yourself for not doing your research. And there are a lot of people here that don’t care about facts. They live on fake messages that go through Facebook and other social media without checking the facts, because if they did, they would see that they didn’t have a leg to stand on. If you think Trump made fun of a disabled guy, let me know and I will provide your lazy ass with facts and proof.

    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    It doesn’t matter how many carefully edited video testimonials, blatantly partisan links (!) or how big a wall of text you post, I gave you incontrovertible video evidence of Trump mocking a disabled reporter—it’s an indisputable fact that he mocked disabled people, contrary to your denials. I believe in documented video evidence over biased personal testimonials and partisan web sites, and you haven’t provided any factual evidence at all for your incoherent wall of bald-faced assertions.

    Oh, and please only post your replies in the appropriate thread.

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    This is exactly what I’m talking about. First of all, look up the disabled reporter. He doesn’t have restriction of movement in his arm(s). His hand is stuck in that position. He doesn’t have any problems moving his arms whatsoever and Trump’s movement isn’t representing someone flailing about as that reporter doesn’t flail his arms ever. I didn’t post in the wrong place. I wasn’t responding to a thread.If you read my post, the point of my post is pointing out several different facts. And no, you didn’t provide me proof. In the discussion before, you quickly shut down the thread after making your response not letting me respond to it. And, I provided info for you that you deny. Take a look at your links you gave me and provide me something showing “Ban”. you can’t. I will do your homework for you. Trump uses that same movement when showing that he caught a General in a lie and the General wasn’t disabled. This is Trump’s way of showing someone trying to wiggle out of a lie that they’ve been caught in. You really haven’t paid attention throughout the years, have you?Nobody had a problem with him doing that years before when portraying other people lying. If you did any reading, which its obvious that you either didn’t read or that you have a reading deficit. You clearly don’t know how to extract correct facts. Show me on Trumps site where he mentions “Ban” at all. Don’t give me a link. Copy and paste the sentence that says anything about banning. Did you even listen to the people who have worked for him and who know him better than you who are minorities? Spend a little money and come to the states and see life from here. How many years have you kept up with Trump? 20? 30? 2? I’ll find you other examples and this post isn’t a response to the other. Look through and see that I have several things that would have nothing to do with just the disability.

    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    For goodness sake, any idiot can see that Trump was doing a generic impersonation of a disabled person, while he just happened to be talking about a disabled reporter. How much brains do you need to see what’s going on here?

    As for the Muslim ban, here’s more incontrovertible video evidence, but I guess you’ll provide a link from some web site called something like idiots4trump,com, which comes up with some ridiculously convoluted explanation for it:

    I also previously linked to a press release on Trump’s own web site on this issue—if you understand the definition of the word ‘ban’, you can see that is exactly what he is proposing to do.

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    Tell me who he is mocking here! They will show you he makes the same movements when talking about Senator Ted Cruz and the General’s comment about ISIS. Watch it and then tell me you did your homework. I bet you won’t even watch it. If you do, mention what Ted Cruz lied about so that everyone knows you watched it. By the way, who are you backing? Are you Muslim by any chance? Is that why you have such a hard on for Trump? Here is the homework that you weren’t willing yo do. and for the more complete version – What does he do 18 seconds into the video? Nothing to do with someone disabled… Like I said. Do your homework and stop making me do it for you.

    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    I did watch your videos, but like all the so-called ‘evidence’ you provide in your rants, it proves absolutely nothing—it’s just ridiculously convoluted and blatantly partisan twisting of facts. And even if Trump wasn’t mocking this reporter’s disabilities, he was clearly being very nasty and insulting toward him anyway!

    And no, I am not Muslim—I am a white heterosexual male, but I just happen to give a f*** about people who aren’t just like me.

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    Dr. Lee,
    You have no clue. All you have is misguided hatred and a website that you control. I’ve shown you evidence and you cower behind accusational rants. You could care less for the truth. And trying to act like you care for others… if you really cared, you would find the truth no matter how bad it hurts your ego. I was in your place ranting against Trump as well, but the difference between you and I, is that I faced my ego without a problem so that I can actually help others. Show me anyone who is denied the ability to come into this country legally and i’ll show you someone with malcontent and most likely done something illegal; otherwise, show me someone with no terrorist ties or illegal background of some nature that is denied. if there isn’t any, stop falsely accusing until you can show some actual results. I don’t know how you do it in Austrailia, but here, a man is innocent until proven guilty and just in case you thought that I meant banned, I meant until, a point in time. I’ll be waiting and if you can show me, I’ll gladly concede. If nothing of the sort happens, I would like to see you put out a full apology for trying to assassinate the character of a man. Wait, does that mean that you are doing what you are accusing Trump of doing? I do believe that you are hurting someone with no care about their person or character. How does that make you any better than that which you accuse Trump of? Yes, go ahead. Slash away at the man’s character. Show the minority you care while you become the man you hate. How does it feel? Do you feel the transition? The hatred you are riddled with? Well, I gotta shut down. Today is my birthday and I don’t think I need to feel the stench of hatred today. Most likely my last post on the matter. I’ve given proof and even if you can’t see past your own hatred, others can see, unless you delete it which, in a way, would be your own admission that someone other than you cares for the truth. What do they say? Know the truth and the truth shall set you free? Both you and I know that you won’t be set free. Not because of me, but because of your own arrogant ego. Yes, you control the pen and paper my friend, but will you do what is right? I would say good night, but it is now 6:00 am and time for me to get my day started. See you in a week.

    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    There’s an easy and infallible way to determine who of us is right about this: instead of debating the past, let’s predict the future.

    You obviously think Trump will be a great President.

    I instead think he will be the most corrupt and incompetent US President in history.

    Let’s save a lot of time and trouble by leaving our predictions here in writing, and wait to see which of us is right, shall we?

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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