Trump Election Win

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This topic contains 158 replies, has 0 voices, and was last updated by Dr. Lee 6 years ago.

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    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    Oh, one point I forgot to address regarding how common it is for US government officials to use personal email servers: it was common practice for the Bush administration. But of course, everything’s okay when a conservative does it, whereas almost everything’s a crime a when a liberal does it.

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    An amusing new Trump-related Tumblr—I predict it will be huge. :)

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    RW, again the major point I was trying to make is that there were only two viable candidates for President. Not Stein, not Johnson, not Bernie or anyone else other than Trump and Clinton. I’m by no means Hillary’s biggest fan, but to me there is no question about her being more suitable to be President than Trump. It’s going to be a horribly interesting 4 years with Trump in the White House (assuming he stays the course, over/under on when he resigns is 18 months).

    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    Here’s another reason why Comey’s opinion that Clinton lied means nothing to me—his own pursuit of Clinton was clearly politically motivated from the start, to the point where the FBI is now being sued for Comey’s actions in the lead up to the election (which were almost certainly a clear breach of the Hatch act as well). I guess this comes down to whether you believe there was a conspiracy to protect Clinton from prosecution, or a conspiracy to convict her for crimes she did not commit. I think the fact that the FBI obviously did aggressively investigate her—but still came up empty no matter how much they tried to throw at her—shows that the objective evidence overwhelmingly points to the latter conclusion. I think the Colbert Report sums up the absurdity and lack of perspective surrounding the Clinton conspiracy theories (as well as fake news in general) very well:

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    Oh, and instead of someone who may have mishandled an email server, we’ve got a hopelessly unqualified and incompetent buffoon who has already committed all these f***-ups and more in just one month! Here’s another summary of his first month—most concerning are his outrageous cabinet picks and his blatant conflicts of interest. A better President than Clinton? Really?

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    So the CIA has concluded (surprise surprise) that Russia colluded with Wikileaks to help Trump win the Presidency. But hey, let’s not worry about foreign powers interfering with the US election—let’s create a conspiracy theory about a pedophile network operating out of a pizza parlour, because the Podesta emails mention pizza a lot. Never mind the fact that innocent people might get shot, let’s just find some bullshit to pin on Clinton, so Trump can freely commit treason—and still become President.

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

    Avatar of wingsfan19wingsfan19
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    Dr. Lee,

    It would be funny, except it’s not. F’ing scary is what it is.

    Avatar of Dr. LeeDr. Lee
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    Yep—I honestly feel the people saying “give Trump a go” or “any change is good” were treating the election like a reality TV show.

    A good summary of what we know about his presidency so far—it’s just one travesty after another. But hey, it’s all worth it just to make sure that a woman who mishandled some of her emails didn’t get elected, right? Ah, the hypocrisy of Trump supporters.

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    Totally agree with Paul Krugman in this article—conservatives go on about the so-called ‘lying liberal’ media, but their massive over-reporting and sensationalisation of the Clinton email BS really played into Trump’s hands:

    Let’s be honest: Mr. Trump is by no means the only useful idiot in this story. As recent reporting by The Times makes clear, bad guys couldn’t have hacked the U.S. election without a lot of help, both from U.S. politicians and from the news media.

    Let me explain what I mean by saying that bad guys hacked the election. I’m not talking about some kind of wild conspiracy theory. I’m talking about the obvious effect of two factors on voting: the steady drumbeat of Russia-contrived leaks about Democrats, and only Democrats, and the dramatic, totally unjustified last-minute intervention by the FBI, which appears to have become a highly partisan institution, with distinct alt-right sympathies.

    Does anyone really doubt that these factors moved swing-state ballots by at least 1 percent? If they did, they made the difference in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania—and therefore handed Mr. Trump the election, even though he received almost three million fewer total votes. Yes, the election was hacked.


    The bigger surprise was the behavior of the news media, and I don’t mean fake news; I mean big, prestigious organizations. Leaked emails, which everyone knew were probably the product of Russian hacking, were breathlessly reported as shocking revelations, even when they mostly revealed nothing more than the fact that Democrats are people.

    Have to agree with what Obama said about the media’s election coverage too.

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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    I found this article very enlightening: it would seem Trump successfully positioned himself as a political centrist, and it was a huge tactical error for the Clinton campaign to try and seduce traditional Republican voters—they should instead have painted him as one of them, which his cabinet picks show he is—in extremis. The really frustrating thing that keeps coming up though is this: it seems that when Trump said something his supporters didn’t like, they didn’t take him seriously, while when he said something they did like, they believed him! So it seems they knew he really was a liar, but they wanted to believe what they wanted to believe anyway. WTF?

    Dr. Lee
    Asian Sirens' admin, moderator, editor, tech guy, designer…

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