Dana has a fairly substantial figure.

Most of it looks to be original, as in she seems fairly large—and not in a bad way—for a Korean woman. We have no quarrel with anything aftermarket. Our only problem is the usual magic dust sprinkled on the photos. We wish Instagram filters had never been invented. But we digress. Dana, besides being a bikini athlete, is also a nurse. In time spent in the hospital no nurses like Dana were ever seen. Will try to have our next illness or accident in Korea.



  1. Lee Haseley’s avatar

    Nurse me into sickness, and nurse me back to health!

  2. Avatar of ChickenEssence

    In her case I don’t care about photoshop, filters, coloured contacts, makeup or any other enhancements. Just ship her to my home and let me enjoy her!

  3. Avatar of Pyle

    She is an amazing physical specimen.

  4. Avatar of arf

    Looks like she was built for pleasure.

  5. Staffy’s avatar

    I could become obcessed with her buns.

  6. Avatar of wingsfan19

    Speaking of nursing, I could nurse all day on those puppies.

  7. Avatar of MaJieMao

    Hard to go wrong with a Korean girl these days

  8. Avatar of tiger

    Very nice.
