
2mysterious4u was almost too mysterious for her own good.

Normally prospective sirens who make it this difficult to gather information are shunned by the HH. We made an exception in this case just because she’s so damn cute.

A Google search of “2mysterious4u” yielded the name Shaquana Wellington on a Twitter account, but it had no posts and had been created going on 10 years ago, so that didn’t seem to fit the bill. Looking through some of her instagram photos, she mentioned ‘two homes’, one apparently being Thailand (on her Instagram she has ‘ง้อย’, which I believe translates to ‘be scared’ for what that’s worth), the other being Germany. Whatever the case may be, she’s a lovely lass, and gets a probationary pass to The Hallowed Halls.


  1. Avatar of DeepSky

    I’m not too sure what to think of Ms. 2m4u. She appears to have a cute little body, but lots of photoshopping going on. In a number of the images, she seems to be a good bit out of proportion, with her head being too large for her body, and in the last image something just looks plain wrong to me.

  2. Avatar of ChickenEssence

    She scores for me as “Asian Girl Next Door”. She would get a key to my apartment …

  3. Avatar of Seems

    Agree with both of my brethren’s comments. She’s certainly cute, from what we can tell, but way too much artificial stretching, slimming, etc. going on.

  4. Avatar of arf

    She is my ideal type of girlfriend.. Perfect

  5. Avatar of Luke


    Yep she is pretty perfect :)

  6. Avatar of ProfAbe

    Wowza! I love her look.
