You are currently browsing the yearly archive for 2017.

Kaori Tezuka , Dec 21, 1967 or 68, 83-58-88, T159cm. She’s perky and enthusiastic.

Etsuko Takahashi , data unknown.

Miki Inoue , data unknown. Besides the first pic, all that seems to be found are box covers, but her face and breasts are so beautiful I couldn’t resist posting them.

Lee Hee Eun is a fashion model and entrepreneur, selling clothes and lingerie in Korea. She is stunning and classy.

her instagram is worth an add and she is my vote for Siren of this year and any year.


Risa Nishida , Feb 27, 1970, 83-58-83, T162cm.

Rina Nakayama , b.1977, 96-62-91cm. A wholesome girl. . .

Searches for her are swamped with a younger AV girl by the same name.

Tomomi Koiso , Sep 22, 1973, 83-55-84, T150cm.

Norie Kikuchi , Jan 24, 1967, 86-58-88, T163cm. Over 300 pics here. She’s done a lot of geisha pics.

Rina Kageyama , July 4, 1966, 82-60-85, T153cm. She debuted in 1986 as a stripper. In 1991 she was involved in a car accident that sounds like a drop from a parking garage. She sustained injuries to hip and spine, but was able to recover in 6 months. She later got her scuba license and did some underwater nudes.

Not sure if this entry is valid, since this person is only half-Asian, however here it is.

Laura Shigihara (AKA supershigi) is a songwriter, singer, sound engineer and composer who works mainly in the field of video game music. She grew up in Japan and the USA, since her father is Japanese and her mother French-American, and she graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in International Relations and Business.
She was offered the opportunity to begin a career as a singer in Japan, but turned it down for personal reasons.

Official blog (seldom updated)

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