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    Luke wrote a new post, Miki Hamino 9 years ago · 


    Mcantrell has an early front runner for Siren of the Year with this one: the beautiful Miki Hamino, a Japanese-American living in the San Francisco Bay Area.

    !–more–Apparently he found her on a dating […]

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    Here are the opening scenes from 1992′s Kekko Kamen 2, featuring Chris Aoki (please don’t confuse with the male golfer of the same name) in the title role and Rie Nakano as Mayumi Takahashi, the hapless and […]

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    Luke wrote a new post, Jeon Ji Hyun 全智贤 9 years ago · 


    Rex, who loves his South Korean TV, thought we should look at My Love From the Star and some of its female stars, but I got no further than Jeon Ji Hyun…

    !–more–…because she’s smokin’!

    Also known […]

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    Luke wrote a new post, Anthia Mo 9 years ago · 


    Anthia Mo is a model/dancer from Boston, MA who I read about first at Amped Asia.

    !–more–Anthia was into dance but it wasn’t paying the bills, so she had a crack at modelling. That was in May 2013 and […]

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    Gooner has found us a winner in China Matsuoka, a JAV girl out of Fukuoka.

    !–more–Miss Matsuoka is the proud owner of some impressive funbags, but don’t get me wrong: carrying these suckers around is […]

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    It was 10 years ago today that popular Korean actress Lee-Eun-ju ended her own life when she hanged herself at her home in Seongman. Her suicide began a sort of “trend” of Korean […]

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    Luke wrote a new post, Momozoo 9 years ago · 


    I expect I’ll get pulled up for an error on this one but MOKO girl Momozoo is a cutie.

    !–more–Momozoo is her MOKO name, the only other name I get is Jasmine Palace which seems a bit strange. The written […]

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    Travis Stroup wrote a new post, Mai Kou Yang 9 years ago · 


    It’s no secret that I think Hmong women are beautiful. The problem is that I don’t think all Hmong models are beautiful. The community is very tight knit and image plays a big role. The more beautiful the […]

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    Luke wrote a new post, Galina 9 years ago · 


    Here’s a girl I found who as far as I can tell only has two galleries and no real info (that I’d trust as accurate), but was so lovely I had to share.

    !–more–My searching mostly turned up images from <a […]

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    Luke wrote a new post, Diana Bang 9 years ago · 


    Cyrusyn saw the banned movie The Interview and thought we should check out Diana Bang.

    !–more–She plays Sook, Kim Jong Un’s Propaganda Minister. And that’s […]

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    Luke wrote a new post, SI Swimsuit Issue 2015 9 years ago · 


    Wingsfan19 has been reading Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition 2015 for the articles, and happened across a couple of past favourites while he was at it…

    !–more–For my two cents the Asian ladies are […]

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    Luke wrote a new post, Rao Luo Xi 饶洛溪 9 years ago · 


    Rao Luo Xi is a model, auto show hostess and MOKO girl, you know the drill…

    !–more–Frustratingly her MOKO files seem to be set to private or something. But wait, you can find her at Spicybook and even <a […]

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    Luke wrote a new post, Alice @ Purple.fr 9 years ago · 


    We had an anonymous tip about Alice a long time ago now…

    !–more–…and in a bid to work through all the post suggestions, here she is. I could not download more than her opening pic so you’ll need to […]

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    Bubbalabobo pointed out Candy Gong, known for her own white pointers.

    !–more–The Chinese actress best known for having a G-cup chest has landed a role as sexy Pan Jinlian in The Plum in the Golden Vase […]

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    Kusumi Koharu is a Japanese pop singer and fashion model. She was a member of Morning Musume from as far back as 2005 but is currently best known as a model.

    !–more–You can read her bio here, and it is […]

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    Travis Stroup wrote a new post, Emerald Puanani 9 years ago · 


    I found Emerald Puanani by accident on a pretty fun site with a lot of unknown Hawaiian models, and since unknown models are my thing, that made me quite happy. However, I then found that she was on the scene […]

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    Luke wrote a new post, Shae Summers 9 years ago · 


    Fezzik suggested we take a look at Shae Summers, so I did and this is what I found…

    !–more–Shae is a large breasted porn star, an American who Fezzik said was of Chinese and Irish decent, which sounds […]

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    Luke wrote a new post, Lisa Chan 9 years ago · 


    John Smith suggested we take a look at the political advertisement above, which features the lovely Lisa Chan.

    !–more–Pete Hoekstra, the former United States […]

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    John Smith asked us to feature the singer Hikaru Utada. A search of our archives turned up a result, but it was actually only a reference, so belatedly here she […]

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    Luke wrote a new post, Lion Eyes 9 years ago · 


    Who are the people behind all the fantastic photos of hot chicks coming out of China??

    !–more–Well one is Lion Eyes, who is responsible for a large collection of beautiful photos of hot girls. Like many […]