

We were doing some surfing when we saw her name.

We stopped dead in our tracks. Could we have some fresh photos? The answer, regretfully, was no.

Though we have nothing new photo-wise, we felt compelled to feature this sex bomb again.

Cruzlyn, for those of you who missed her the first time back in 2019, is the personification of sexy. It’s as if scientists were able to take the sexiness gene, put it in a petri dish and grow it into a human. If that were possible the end result would be Cruzlyn. That rich skin tone. Those enticing breasts. Those magnificent buttocks. That smoldering sexpot of a face. As said, we have no new photos, but we submit different ones from the first post for the edification of the newer brethren. We’re bringing sexy back.


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  1. Avatar of Mkick

    mind blowing

  2. Avatar of Ricky269

    There are some Filipina girls here in South Korea who are not timid either,

  3. Marc’s avatar

    Thankful for the subtle ink. That’s a hill I could die on, with a smile.

  4. Avatar of MaJieMao

    Sex bomb really suits her, perfect mocha skin, beautiful hills and plenty of curves.

  5. Jake’s avatar

    I’m not complaining, but this is the third time she’s been featured. She’s one of my favorites so let’s go for four!

  6. Avatar of DeepSky

    Cruzlyn, is one of my absolute favorites, and one of the sexiest sirens ever featured on the site.
