
We believe the brethren will react in the affirmative to this siren.

How could you not? She’s gorgeous! Aside from knowing she models and likes to play golf, nothing else popped up on this siren, so we have to base eligibility to the HH on the visuals. Beautiful with a great body. No discernible ink. Lovely skin tone. Any ‘help’ appears minimal. No horrible filters or PS. Certainly worthy of an HH ballot.




  1. muddypig8’s avatar

    That’s an afFIRMative, Ghost Rider….

  2. Avatar of Seoul.Music

    Wow, I was sold by the first picture.

    Her Insta is another minegold of pretty girl friends, starting with the one posing on the bed… 8)

  3. Roger Sack’s avatar

    My impression is that most of the Korean and many of the Chinese
    models have essentially the same face. This uniformity in not evident
    among the Thais, and other SE Asian, nor the Japanese. Is this a function
    of selection, surgery or both?

  4. Avatar of DeepSky

    Ms. Kkwinstar is very pretty with an impressive body. I fully support her admittance to the HH!

  5. Avatar of MaJieMao

    Something about her face turns me off not sure what it is, maybe she looks like an ex that wronged me…
