Lazuli Cai

Tbone felt we should offer Lazuli for consideration.

A quite attractive woman to begin with, it’s always nice these days to present a siren without a ton of war paint, ink of any kind and odd piercings. As Mr. T told us, there isn’t much information to go on other than she’s Chinese. At least we have her Instagram.



  1. Dkb’s avatar

    Always nice to see a tanned chinese babe

  2. Avatar of OMG

    Going a little hard on the cat-eye, but she’s realistically and wonderfully proportioned. Cool name, too.

  3. Avatar of Romanticwarrior

    I’d like to sit in her lapis.

  4. Avatar of IeatCows

    Ticks all the boxes for me!

  5. Stephen R Puckett’s avatar

    Ahh, a beautiful Chinese girl, I almost married one ( Too Crazy ), Then I did marry one and had three children with ( she’s very crazy too, not sure how much longer I’ll be with her ) , My next wife will be Chinese also ( I am pretty sure I’ve found her and have been seeing her for 5 years now ). There are so many Chinese that you are bound to find one that ticks all the boxes for beauty but investigate their minds a little further :)

  6. Avatar of MaJieMao

    Love me a beautiful Chinese girl. I married one for 9 years, and I am 100% sure they are all crazy.

  7. Avatar of Mkick

    Had to process this for a day. End of day, I think I am partial to Chinese females. huh. who knew? ?stp=dst-jpg_e35&
