Kyungmin Kang (Kkmmmkk)

Kyungmin is an entrepreneur.

Creator and CEO of both a clothing line and a makeup line, she also models her products. And she does it very well. Quite beautiful with an excellent figure and lips that are eminently kissable, we would like to forgo the evaluation and put Kyungmin at the front of the line in the Korean siren wing of the HH.



  1. Bob Cullum’s avatar

    Lovely in so many ways!

  2. muddypig8’s avatar

    The next to the last photo notwithstanding, who here wouldn’t like her to drop the clothes?

  3. Avatar of Mkick

    cute. CEO of a one person company, but cute

  4. Avatar of arf

    She would definitely make for a hot girlfriend.

  5. Avatar of MaJieMao

    Body is wonderful but how much of that face is original?
