Wendy looks like our kind of girl.

Certainly a healthy girl, what with all the surfing and skateboarding. If she had seen your humble narrator back in the day—when we put skateboard trucks on a water ski, tied a rope to the back end of a Volkswagen and pulled each other around the parking lot—there’s no doubt we would’ve fallen madly in love. We’re sure it’s only that span of time and the fact that she lives in China that kept us apart. Wendy is quite a lovely fortune cookie.



  1. D W’s avatar

    Pretty much perfect

  2. Avatar of Seems

    Yup. Just another all-round sexy body, and I love those perfectly curved buns. Does not look Chinese to me but I’m not complaining!

  3. Avatar of DeepSky

    Pretty, sexy little body, a great smile, and a lot of warm personality coming through her pictures! Nice addition.

  4. D W’s avatar

    I like her name. But she’s good evil not bad evil.

  5. Avatar of wingsfan19

    DeepSky wrote:
    Pretty, sexy little body, a great smile, and a lot of warm personality coming through her pictures! Nice addition.

    All this and an awesome skin tone.

  6. Avatar of MaJieMao

    Completely stunning love the mix of cute and sexy. I’m sure I’d have nothing in common with a skater/surfer girl.
