After an exhaustive search, I think she’s one of three siblings and is from California.

That’s it.

With a handle like ‘alibab‘, trying to search is a real drag. You get a link after link on AliBaba, and after that it’s Ali Baba. I don’t want to buy anything or read up on a folk tale, I just want to know about this hot chick!


  1. Avatar of ChickenEssence

    I know the story is slightly different, but I wish she would grant me three wishes …

  2. Avatar of TheyCallMeBruce

    @Chicken – well played sir!

  3. JG’s avatar

    @chicken, I think the first might be a lifetime motorboating license.

  4. Avatar of wingsfan19


    I’d only need one! (Well, okay, two — the other being permission from my wife).

  5. Avatar of arf

    she does look pretty perfect to me too

  6. DCGuy’s avatar

    I don’t own an Instagram account be she does. Oh if I were 20 years younger! She looks like wifey material…

    Also found some great “mining” here…

  7. Avatar of DeepSky

    What a beautiful, sexy young woman.

  8. gunnar’s avatar

    man you are terrible at looking for information…
    this girl is super hot indeed and she is the beautiful offspring of a moroccan father and a korean mother
    her real name is Alia El Gharsi
    but people don’t harass her she has a right to her private life

  9. Avatar of wingsfan19


    Rude is such a thing with you, isn’t it? Still waiting on YOUR first post.

  10. Avatar of Romanticwarrior

    Asshat, Have you always been a twat or is it a state you’ve developed?
    Anytime you want to stop sitting on your thumb(s) and actually post something feel free.
