Yang Yi

This is Yang Yi and it’s time for a TuiGirl.

And I think that’s all, besides the fact that she also goes by Regina or Yi Yi, that we’re going to know about her, as Tuigirl searching is usually a waste of time. Some of the Photoshopping on her was so egregious that it almost disqualified her on the spot. I looked around a little further and decided that even though she’d had a lot of ‘help’ there was better photographic representation to be had. I had a few other links, but when I checked on them for this post they were all dead.



  1. Avatar of rahbka

    It is just so hard to tell what is real, plastic, photoshopped with these TuiGirls. Makes one yearn for Mother Nature.

  2. Avatar of Seems


    Agreed! I think there was a pretty girl there, once.

  3. Avatar of Luke

    I love it, the best shots are incredible :D

  4. Avatar of redlaw

    Fake boobs and face, zero muscle tone. pass.

  5. boris the bug’s avatar

    All true, rahbka Seems and Redlaw, but she still turns my propeller. There is something about the willowy grace and beauty of Chinese women that is almost magical.

  6. Avatar of Seems

    boris the bug,

    I don’t fault you, boris, but I’m not sure we agree on the same definition of “willowy”! :)

  7. boris the bug’s avatar


    ah yes perhaps I used wrong term. I mean not so much looks like willow but more moves like willow. Please accept my apology.

  8. Avatar of Seems

    boris the bug,

    Apology neither required nor requested, my good man! Enjoy!

  9. Avatar of wingsfan19

    boris the bug,

    Or floats my boat (in spite of the plastic look).
