May 2013

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(Video removed from Youtube)

As many of you might already know, a rookie North Dakota news anchor was fired last month, right after preceding the opening to his very first news broadcast with some profanity. (Story here) If you saw it, you may not have paid as much attention to his gaffe as you did Van Tieu; his pretty co-anchor who introduced him and maintained her composure during the awkward on-air moments.

Since Van is the lead anchor of KFYR’s evening news, she was given the task of apologizing to the viewers for her former and very-short-lived co-anchor’s blunder. The above is her doing so at the opening of that evening’s 10:00 PM newscast, which she handled solo. I don’t think they would have been the next Rather-Chung, anyway.

November 8, 2013 Edit: Not surprisingly, the above video was removed from Youtube but this original article with the video, can be viewed here.

See more of Van at:
Her Facebook Fan Page
Her Reporter Reel
Van on Twitter

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Jocelyn Chew comes to our attention through a tip submitted by one of our readers suggesting that we feature her. I thought Jocelyn was someone that we featured previously since her name sounded familiar, but we have not.

Jocelyn is a 20-year-old Chinese/Icelandic beauty from Canada who recently appeared on the reality TV model competition show, The Face, which aired recently on the Oxygen network. Jocelyn has a unique look and fantastic body which I love, as well as a ton of photos on her Facebook and Instagram pages. I’m definitely a fan now that I’m aware of her.

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Saturday Night Live Korea made its debut in December of 2011 and has since done quite well in the ratings. Closely patterned after the long-running “live from New York” original, SNL Korea is considered to be in its fourth season, as Korean TV seasons are relatively short.

This excerpt from a July 2012 skit features the show’s host, singer/actress Bada (Sea) overseeing auditions to choose two new singers to flank her in “SES II.” In real life, her two former groupmates did get married but the trio disbanded amicably and there are no plans for a new incarnation of the group. Also, the “diva” character Bada portrays here is far from the reality. As someone who’s had the pleasure of meeting her on a couple of occasions, I can say she’s definitely one of the friendliest and most charming Korean celebs there is.

To see the full skit (but without subtitles), go here. Oh yes; the first girl here who auditions is cast member Kim Seul-gie, who responds to her dismissal by stating a singing rival of Bada’s is ”the best.” The second hopeful is singer Hyolyn, from the girl group Sistar and their sub-duo Sistar19, and I don’t need to explain why her entrance draws such enthusiasm from the audience. The reason Bada’s request to see her forehead is followed by “oohs” is because Hyolyn is well-known to be self-conscious about what she feels is a large forehead, hence her always wearing bangs.

June 2015 Edit: The above video has been blocked by CJ E&M on copyright grounds, but this original article with the video, can be viewed here.

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Trinity Dang is another fresh face to really come on the modeling scene in the past year. While doing some background research for this article, I was not surprised to see Trinity featured among people’s list of hottest import models for 2012. With looks and a smile like hers, it’s easy to see why.

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2013 Miss Korea Pageant ContestantsIt’s no secret and certainly not news, how common it is for South Korean women, particularly those in the entertainment industry, to have facial cosmetic work done. The most common being the “double-eyelid” surgery, which is intended to give a more big-eyed “Western” appearance. So, when I caught an article stating that all of the contestants in the 2013 Miss Korea Pageant looked alike, I thought it was nothing new and I didn’t even bother reading it. However, when I recently caught the now viral GIF image (right) of seven of the contestants, created just to illustrate how they all look like they rolled off the same plastic surgery assembly line, it did make me stop and take notice. It practically looks like the same girl with different hairstyles and clothes. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I suppose. Just an observation.

Excellent article at koreaBANG that includes photos of all 20 contestants before and after makeup here.

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This is the first post in our new Discussion category, which is kind of a continuation of our old “Dr. Lee’s Talking Point” articles. Although we have discussed the pros and cons of tattoos many times before, one thing we haven’t discussed—and what is actually of most interest to me—is how and why have they suddenly become so popular? It seems that almost every new Asian American model has tattoos these days, and it’s rapidly becoming more commonplace amongst models from Asia itself too (especially Chinese). What’s more, the amount of tattoo coverage has radically increased too, seemingly overnight. And it isn’t just Asians either—it seems almost every other young person I see these days has them, and once again the amount of tattoo coverage seems to be increasing all the time. It’s as if young people are engaged in a kind of tattoos “arms race”. I’m reminded of King Missile’s brilliant song It’s Saturday—young people ‘rebelling’ and ‘asserting their individuality’, by doing exactly the same thing as most other people their age. Perhaps tattoos are the new cigarettes (that’s how young people tried to do these things when I was growing up). Does anybody know how and why this current tattoo craze happened?

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