
Regrettably there’s nothing to give the brethren on Alicia.

Numerous searches gave us a big fat zero on this prospective siren. The script on her Instagram page appears to translate from Chinese as Zhang Wei. That really didn’t do anything for us either. From reading some of her Instagram we guess that she’s 26-ish. That’s all folks.



  1. Avatar of Seems

    I could get stuck on an island with her and be very happy. She straddles the line between girl next door and swimsuit model, and would probably be stunning with some professional photography.

  2. Avatar of arf

    My Goodness YES!!! yes yes. I need her now!

  3. Ralph’s avatar

    Very nice.

  4. Juan the taco taster’s avatar


  5. Avatar of smellykev

    If she’s Chinese, she’s definitely not Han. Stunning. I’m already married, but I’ll happily accept her as a concubine. Wow.

  6. Avatar of MaJieMao

    A stunning young girl next door.
