Agatha Sahell (agathasahell)

Another Bali beauty.

Agatha is from Jakarta and lives in Bali. Biographical information is pretty sparse, but it appears she went the entrepreneurial route in 2016, creating beach bags and the like. Then, in 2018 she became a mother and shifted into creating a clothing line for kids, using local seamstresses to try and spread the wealth, while still doing a little freelance modeling on the side.



  1. Avatar of MaJieMao

    The Bali girl next door

  2. Avatar of ChickenEssence

    That tiny little round ass is a masterpiece. Bali never disappoints …

  3. Avatar of smellykev

    Oh wow. Just….. wow!!!

  4. Avatar of arf

    Yes Indeed!

  5. LoveAsianWomen’s avatar

    That white one piece is hotter than any bikini….or maybe its how she wears it.

  6. Avatar of tiger

    Milftastic 8)
