Zabrina Alfabeto

Zabrina is hot and she can cook.

If she was a certified massage therapist it would just about fill my card.

Actually, she studied at the International School for Culinary Arts and Hotel Management—so I’m hoping she was more into the cooking than the hotel managing—but even if she wasn’t I’d accept her. I found one of those pages where she answers questions and one of them was “where do you get your news?”. Her answer was “during the past week my source for news was Facebook”.

Houston, we have a problem.




  1. Avatar of Luke

    Very nicely put together

  2. Avatar of Romanticwarrior

    Again I must concur with allll the other commenters… she’s a nice package. :)

  3. Avatar of arf

    She is most certainly someone to write home about.

  4. Avatar of DeepSky

    Ms. Alfabeto, is one sexy, hot young woman! Great curves, and beautiful skin tones! I really like those snaps by the London phone booths.

  5. Avatar of wingsfan19

    Stunning from A to Z!
