Mariqueen Maandig

I’ve been watching the 3rd season of the weird series Twin Peaks, and I mostly don’t know what the hell I’m watching. At the end of one of the episodes Trent Reznor (of Nine Inch Nails) and band are playing a song and one of his backups is a hot Asian chick. At least I know that.

Well, it turns out she’s Mariqueen Reznor, and they’ve been married for many years. A Philippine-born musician in her own right, the 36-year-old Mariqueen was a former vocalist for West Indian Girl, an LA-based rock band, and now fronts How to Destroy Angels along with her husband.




  1. Avatar of rahbka

    Trent has done well.

  2. clive’s avatar

    Every pic of her is an artistic expression. Very nice :)

  3. Avatar of QuantumForce

    She was up above it. Now she’s down in it.

  4. Avatar of Woody-Alien

    Oh wow! Didn’t know about her… mostly because I don’t usually listen to Reznor’s music.

  5. Avatar of wingsfan19

    Sexy MILF.

  6. Avatar of arf

    I just said Gosh! she is perfect, very beautiful
