Sue Ann Choo

Sue Ann Choo was a Maxim model from 2006, that apparently is still around in spirit but not necessarily active. I’m pretty much featuring her because her legs and feet look adorable in the above photo, with a great face to go along with it. She had more photos on a website, but that website has been down since May, so perhaps after all of these years she’s finally hanging up the heels.

Age: 31
Height: 5’3″
Location: Singapore

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  1. Avatar of TivoMan

    Limited amount of photos in the wild for this one. Too bad because she’s hot!

  2. Avatar of Luke

    Beautiful, great body :)

  3. Avatar of French

    Perfect nose. I like this gal.

  4. Avatar of ......

    Sexy – very cute legs and feet indeed

  5. Avatar of daznlover

    Great looking, probably got taken and left the http://www….

  6. Avatar of arf

    Nice legs. The second shot from the bottom’s the best for me. Pretty droolworthy.

  7. john smith’s avatar

    Very nice a little asian cutie. She has lovely curves just right for her size. My only question is the backside. Sometimes these little asian dolls can be seriously lacking in the lady hump. Show me ;)
