Let your skin do the talking


Yesterday this huge advertisement attracted my attention. (can you blame me?! ;-)) I believe it was a series of three. There wasn't a lot of time, so I forgot the first one, but the second had something to do with food and had a cup of Noodles on it. This one was about skin. The dragon tattoo looks a bit like the one Magdalena 'Spike' has on her back :-)

Anyone knows what this campaign is about? And who the model is?

Posted by: Robin Hood on Nov 11, 05 | 1:00 pm | Profile


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Posted by: markmalvar on Nov 11, 05 | 8:07 pm

Spotted the same photo on a book about Tattoo's last week, so I guess it's stock-photo material...

Posted by: Robin Hood on Apr 09, 06 | 6:53 pm

Miami Ink....East...........

Posted by: SherBo on Oct 03, 07 | 5:06 am